This game has really helped push myself
to keep my anxiety under control. Amazing little game, this was.
This game has really helped push myself
to keep my anxiety under control. Amazing little game, this was.
Childhood right here. :')
That was super good! Love the pixel art and the music is super chill, nice job.
That was quite a interesting, weird little experience about a middle-aged pre-mature grey haired man's downward spiral. Good work!
Some background music, a more stylized UI and more costumes would make this even cooler!
Used to play this all the time as a wee little boy.
Has a bit of a high difficulty spike, but the music is great and the art is gorgeous!
Pico's School but Pico gained a brain cell big enough to develop charisma.
Would give it five stars if the game was playable here. Hope it gets fixed soon.
EDIT: It works now. Classic game.
i make music.
music producer
Joined on 2/10/16