What a funny little character.
What a funny little character.
I can't wait for the next installment to this soul-shattering series. Poor Boyfriend i cri evrytim :'(
boob loool
this story is happy end, but at what cost?
my wee wee cried :'(
That instant fullscreen thing really got me, not gonna lie. This is really cool!
Decent little game! But I'd recommend having the option to get rid of the CRT bubble effect and the bloom because it's a real eye-sore for me personally.
Yeah I would have, but remember I submitted this game to a game jam, where I have a limited amount of time to create a game and publish it
You just can't leak the ending of Friday Night Funkin' like that man.
The art, the music, the gameplay... It's so peaceful, especially for a Piconjo game!
Should make the lever a bit more noticeable since my mole-eyes couldn't see it, but this game was cute overall!
i make music.
music producer
Joined on 2/10/16